Juni 10 23

Successful and Contested Self-Managed Space

Filed under: — susanna @ 22:46

New Metropolitain Mainstream Conference

June 27 –30, 2010, Zurich
20th INURA Conference

Idroscalo Ostia

In the framework of the workshop „Successful and Contested Self-Managed Space“ I’ll speak about the current situation and self organisation in Idroscalo, an informal  settlement who has beeing partly destoied in march 2010. From my perspective as an artist beside to focus on self organisation I’ll try to focus the issue of image politics as a weapon to construct (or deconstruct) reality.

Juli 09 08

Imparare da Borghesiana

Filed under: — susanna @ 21:30

2nd International Workshop on the Informal City
Workshop on Field in Public History
unbanXchange in collaboration with Consorzi di Valle Borghesianae Ponte di Nona Pratofiorito.

Valle Borghesiana, Roma
14th to 18th July 2009

contact: urbanXchange(at)self-made-city.net

During the workshop „Public History“ in collaboration with local inhabitants and with Consorzi di Valle Borghesiana, we will collect personal stories and collective experiences in order to reconstruct the history of the settlement: the construction phase, the phase of self organization and collective negotiation in within the community and with the political authorities until the formation and consolidation of this settlements. Starting from the point of view and in collaboration with the protagonists, we will develop a public presentation and visual narrative.
The other key point of our intervention on the territory is the question around the issues of (new) immigration and the processes of exclusion and inclusion as the question of the formation of a new concept of community in this very special neighbourhood.

More: http://self-made-city.net/projects/imparare-da-borghesiana

Feb. 09 12


Filed under: — susanna @ 16:31

The  1st International SELF MADE CITY Workshop took place in Rome

february 1st/4th at the Istituto Svizzero di Roma Villa Maraini, via Ludovisi 48, Roma

Concept and Organization:
Romolo Ottaviani
Antonella Sonia Perin
Susanna Perin

Special Thanks:

Istituto Svizzero di Roma
and to all friends who supported us.

More informations  about the workshop, the issues and involved theorist and artist on